Choose the Right Blister Packaging for Your Business

Updated July 27, 2024

Blister packaging is a popular method of packaging products for retail sale. It involves forming a blister, or raised section, in a sheet of plastic or foil, and then sealing a product into the blister. Blister packaging is commonly used for small consumer goods such as toys, batteries, and small electronics.

Types of Blister Packaging

There are several types of blister packaging, each with its own unique features and benefits. The most common types include:

1. Clamshell Blister Packaging

Clamshell blister packaging is a type of packaging that consists of two halves that are sealed together, creating a secure and tamper-proof package.

yellow cherry tomatoes in the plastic container or clamshell packaging

2. Skin Packaging

Skin packaging is a type of blister packaging that is used to protect and display products. It is a type of thermoforming process that is used to create a clear, plastic blister that is sealed over a product.

Elite - Asiapack

3. Blister Cards

Blister cards are a type of packaging that is used to display products. They consist of a card that has a blister attached to it, allowing the product to be seen through the blister.

Energizer - Asiapack

4. Blister Trays

Blister trays are a type of packaging that is used to protect and display products. They consist of a tray that has a number of blisters attached to it, allowing the product to be seen through the blisters.

medicines in a blister tray - a type of blister packaging

Use of Blister Packaging

Blister packaging is used for a wide range of products, including:

  • Pharmaceuticals: Blister packaging is commonly used for over-the-counter and prescription drugs. It provides a secure and easy-to-open packaging that is also tamper-evident.
  • Consumer goods: Blister packaging is used for a wide range of consumer goods, including toys, hardware, and small electronic devices.
  • Electronics: Blister packaging is commonly used for small electronic components, such as memory cards, batteries, and USB drives.

Why Choose Blister Packaging

One of the main advantages of blister packaging is that it is an effective way to protect the product from damage. The clear plastic blister provides a barrier that keeps the product safe from dust, moisture, and other environmental factors. Additionally, blister packaging is often tamper-evident, which means that it is easy to tell if a product has been opened before. This can be important for products that need to be kept fresh, such as pills or food items.

Another advantage of blister packaging is that it allows the consumer to see the product before they buy it. This is especially important for products that need to be inspected, such as pills or small toys. The clear plastic blister allows the consumer to see the product and make sure that it is the right product before they purchase it.

However, there are also some disadvantages to blister packaging. One of the main disadvantages is that it is not very environmentally friendly. The plastic blister and paper backing are not easily recyclable and can take hundreds of years to degrade in the environment. Additionally, blister packaging often requires more energy and resources to produce than other types of packaging.

Factors to Consider in Choosing Blister Packaging

When choosing the right blister packaging for your business, there are a few key factors to consider:

  1. Product size and shape: The blister must be designed to fit the specific product that you are packaging. It should be large enough to accommodate the product, but not so large that it takes up unnecessary space.
  2. Product protection: The blister should be designed to provide the necessary level of protection for your product, including protection from physical damage, moisture, and other environmental factors.
  3. Branding and marketing: Blister packaging can be used as an effective marketing tool, as it allows for clear product visibility and can include branding elements such as logos and colors.
  4. Cost: The cost of blister packaging can vary depending on the type of materials used, the size and shape of the blister, and the complexity of the design. It is important to consider the cost of the packaging in relation to the value of the product and the potential return on investment.
  5. Sustainability: As the packaging industry is moving towards more sustainable packaging, it's important to choose a blister packaging that is eco-friendly and can be recycled or biodegraded.

By considering these factors and working closely with a packaging manufacturer, you can choose the right blister packaging for your business that will effectively protect and promote your products, while also being cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Overall, blister packaging is a versatile and effective way to protect and display small items. It is a cost-effective method that allows products to be easily seen and handled. With the different types of blister packaging available, it is easy to find a solution that fits your product and your budget. Contact us today for your packaging needs.