Products Consolidation and Late Packaging Customization for Energizer

Updated November 30, 2023

Our solution for products consolidation and late packaging customization benefited one of the world’s torchlight and batteries top seller.

Energizer is an American manufacturer and one of the world's largest manufacturers of batteries. They offer a wide range of products from batteries to lightning products such as flashlights under various brands: Energizer, Eveready, Dolphin…

Business Challenge:

With multiple suppliers from and outside of China for their flashlights and flashlights’ accessories, Energizer’s supply chain was coping with finished goods consolidation issues before shipment to Europe, USA… Additionally, each of their suppliers was in charge of providing packaging and packing for the products it supplied, leading to packaging discrepancies in colour and quality throughout the range.


Using a co-packer in a bonded area grants the possibility to consolidate all products under one roof: bulk products from China are customs cleared upon delivery, products from outside of China do not have import duties.  This helps KITTING, Assembling & Packing goods from different suppliers into 1 set of products or displays to create amazing sales opportunities!


Energizer streamlined its whole supply chain by using Asiapack as its logistics and packing hub: 
100% on time packing and on time shipment since 2017 (Energizer KPI metrics) for 10M products packed annually.
Maximized use of container space: finished goods are shipped by full containers directly to each destination market (USA, France, Canada, Germany…).
ONE provider for all packaging materials: colour consistency and quality  for all packaging.
Energizer packaging has been re-designed: with its in-house packaging development capacities, Asiapack identified more than 250,000 USD yearly saving opportunities through packaging optimisation.

Feel free to contact us if you'd like to know more about our services and how we could help your company!