What Are Good Warehousing Practices

Updated January 2, 2024

The goal of good warehouse practices (GWP) is to store supplies in such a manner that they are always in good condition and always available. Poor warehousing can result in costly damages.

Warehouses for pharmaceuticals are, therefore, much more than simply storing products. This operation keeps drugs in good shape. cGMP requires that drugs be stored in a clean environment and in a position that allows them to be inspected. Lot codes must be unique (and traceable), and the lot status must be determined (approved, quarantined, rejected).

Each drug distribution process must be described in writing. Recall procedures must also be included. Storage conditions must be described in writing for each drug. A drug's temperature, humidity, and lighting requirements can vary greatly. The warehousing official must regulate the storage of each drug according to requirements defined by the producer.

Depending on the environment, temperature-controlled warehousing or climate-controlled warehousing may be required, both of which require cutting-edge equipment to maintain the specified conditions.

The Importance of Warehousing in a Logistics System

Almost all manufacturers, importers, exporters, and transporters require warehousing. The expenses might seem needless, but the savings and increased productivity are worth it.

A warehouse allows you to maximize inventory control and ensures that your customers receive their orders on time, increasing profits.

Better Inventory Management

You can track and manage your inventory more efficiently when you store your goods in a warehouse. Investment in a warehouse will make storing, shipping, and distributing products more efficient. Rather than leaving customers waiting for days or weeks for out-of-stock items, you will be aware of it as soon as it goes out of stock and provide them with alternative options.

More Efficient Packing and Processing

In a warehouse, companies can package their goods in accordance with the law and their customer requirements. This reduces logistical costs while enhancing flexibility. Having such a distribution location eliminates the need to arrange pick-up and hire employees to manage fulfillment.

Superior Customer Service

With warehousing, timely delivery and efficient distribution can be achieved, resulting in higher productivity and customer satisfaction. The process of order fulfillment is also made more error-free with warehousing. Your products are also less likely to be lost or stolen during transport.

Ensure Price Stabilization

Warehouses enable you to store your products for use in high-demand situations at a later date. By doing so, you will maximize profits and maintain consistent stock levels. As a result, you will reduce revenue losses and ensure price stabilization.

Improved Risk Management

Some goods require cold storage, such as plants, artwork, candles, food, and medications. You will prevent spoilage and color and texture change by storing your goods in a warehouse that offers this service. As a result, the product's shelf life will be extended, and customers will be satisfied.

In addition, warehouses typically provide insurance for their products. Thus, you have a greater chance of receiving compensation from your insurance company in case of damage, fire, or theft.

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